Thursday, January 04, 2007

Where the hell...

Yes, it has been too long, but I have been taking photos, so when I get back here it will be all multi-media and s**t...

In a nutshell:
Went on work bender to get things ready for holiday break.
Went on ten day holiday travel/family bender.
Came back to 6 week job that now needs to be done in 2. Wallet happy, rest of life, (including my life on the In-tor-net thingy), not so happy.
Writing this on the break I take of an evening to walk the dog around the block, make a sandwich, and get back on a train to the city and the job site.

And yes, "of an evening" was awkwardly shoehorned in there, I realize that...but hey, I've only got 10 minutes and I have to have some sort of fun.

Take care,


  1. Anonymous7:48 PM EST

    Happy New Year, Don. Thanks for updating, I was wondering where you at.

  2. Anonymous10:05 AM EST

    Missed ya Don, I hope your holidays was good. Can't wait to see the pictures. Talk at ya later.

  3. I like when people manage to work in phrases that have no business otherwise being in their writing. Of course, that may only be because it justifies my doing it.

    So you have some money, and no time to enjoy it. I think for some people that is the American dream.

  4. Anonymous7:27 PM EST

    ....waiting with bated breath!

  5. Funny, in my life it's...wallet unhappy, rest of life happy!

    Can't wait until your next podcast... try to take it easy until then.

  6. Such is life in this mad, cucky,crazy kind of world we live in. Better than the alternative! ...(Canada)...just kidding - been there - fine place -it's just a joke - take no offense. I know Canadians wouldn'

  7. Hmmm...interesting comment LaVon...since most Canadians would say the same about the US - nice place to visit, but wouldn't want to live there.
