Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Cash Cab

My friend Paul and I were "ambushed" on the quiz show, "Cash Cab" a while ago and they say it is airing tonight (Wed the 11th) at 10 EST on the Discovery Channel. Put on your heckle caps...


  1. Anonymous10:54 AM EDT

    CTS...this promises to be good!

  2. Don't you worry your little self, I'll be there.

  3. Just saw the last part of it. Damn ya done good! Hope you spent the winnings on something frivolous.

  4. Anonymous9:08 PM EDT

    Are you doing something fun with your loot?

  5. Hey everyone, thanks for watching! A little behind-the-scenes: the cash they handed us was fake, they send you a check later. Taxes and all that.
    The check arrived right during a slow work period, so it was fantastic and just as much a surprise as getting into the cab in the first place.


  6. Anonymous11:09 PM EDT

    I just watched it on Tivo.....that was so great! I want the cash cab to pick me up!!!!

  7. Anonymous3:35 AM EDT

    I just saw online that "Two-buck Chuck" won first prize in a wine-tasting contest judged by experts. It beat out all the expensive wines.

    They don't sell alcohol anywhere but state liquor stores here in Pa. I'll have to hit Trader Joe's in Jersey to try it out.
