Friday, September 07, 2007

Watch a Cool Chick on TV and Feel Good About It!

Some of you may know that "Satan Hates You" is the next installment in Mr. McKenney's "Make Don Work for Free" series of independent features. An even smaller subset may, just may, remember that while filming "Automatons" (due out soon), we were visited by the third of the Ghosts of Productions Professional we would see that summer. (The first to being Angus Scrimm and Larry Fessenden....there are varying degrees of "professional" there...)

Pauley Perrrete, from the CBS show "NCIS," was somehow tricked by McKenney to play a small part in SHY and we filmed those scenes while we were shooting Automatons, before the spell or drugged dart or whatever wore off. She was super cool. (If you would like a few more details go here and scroll down to the July 5th entry.)

Anyway, I just received this email from Jim, regarding Pauley. It explains itself:

Our friend Pauley Perrette (who appears in our next film SATAN HATES YOU) is featured on the season premiere of "America's Most Wanted" tomorrow night, Saturday, Sept. 8th, 9pm on FOX. No, she's not a perp. She's working to do some good. Have a look at Pauley's own words below and check out the show tomorrow night if you get a chance.

Me, I'm still trying to get on "Cops".

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Pauley Perrett"
Date: September 6, 2007 2:05:05 PM EDT
Subject: This Saturday, Americas Most Wanted...

So, it's time...
This Saturday, Sept. 8th, 9pm on FOX
is the show following me and AMW all around
in an attempt to help solve the two horrible murders
of Raven Jeffries in Detroit and Shannon Paulk in
Pratville, Alabama.

It started when I put up reward money in these two
cases, and has ended up being a life changing venture.

They have made this quest the season premiere for the
21st season of Americas Most Wanted.
It chronicles my trip with AMW from Hollywood,
to Detroit to Alabama and back, meeting with
the detectives in the cases, the families of the
little girls and going to the actual points of abduction
and where their bodies were found.

It was an intense journey, heartbreaking, but very
necessary in the attempt to gather more information
in these crimes and try and give these families some peace.

I can not thank everyone enough for their support in this matter.
Thank you for your prayers and getting the word out.

Now's the final push...
Please let as many people as possible know about the airing
this Saturday night. Copy and paste this e-mail, talk about it in
your blogs, carrier pigeon, smoke signals, tin cans on a string,
whatever it takes.
That's when the show works, the more people that watch,
the better chance we have of getting the tip that could change

You can read more about the cases at:

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Pauley Perrette

"injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" - MLK, Jr.

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